Tag Archives: Witchcraft

Witchcraft Crippled Baby Walks

Today I would like to share an amazing video with you of a baby who was crippled by witchcraft and was instantly healed by the power of God in Jesus name to be able to walk for the first time in her life.

The first few minutes are in a native language nut then a woman starts to interpret so you can follow along to witness this miracle.


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Was Samuel Raised From The Dead?

And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me up?…  1 Samuel 28:15

saulAfter Saul had been rejected by God for his unfaithfulness and rebellion, God withdrew His Spirit from Saul.  The guidance he had been receiving from Samuel speaking to him by the word of Yehovah, was also gone because Samuel had died.  Saul was so distressed about the oncoming  battle with the Philistines the next day, that in desperation he sought a witch to bring up the spirit of Samuel to tell him what would happen and what he should do.

Many people believe that this is what happened and that God allowed the witch to bring up the sleeping spirit of Samuel to bring a word to Saul and prophecy to him what would happen.

Well, there are several problems with this theology.  Continue reading Was Samuel Raised From The Dead?