Healing Declarations in Romanian

These are Healing Declarations in Romanian.

See links below for Healing Declarations in other languages.


Instrucțiuni: declarați aceste scripturi și afirmații până când le puteți spune din memorie. Aceste scripturi sunt prescripția voastra de la Marele Medic spre a le lua zilnic pentru vindecare divină, după cum este necesar și de câte ori este necesar și chiar când nu mai este necesar pentru asigurarea unei sanatati divine neintrerupte. Rostiți-le cu voce tare, fermă și puternică.

Continue reading Healing Declarations in Romanian

So You Want Documented Proof?

I just received this testimony from Cornelius, a brother in the Lord,  with his permission to share it along with the eye doctor’s documented report that his eyes are completely healed and that he no longer needs corrective lenses or any glasses at all.

Cornelius shared with me that the doctor was actually a bit upset that he would not not need cataract surgery on the other eye.  I know times are tough but she could at least have been happy for him.  I guess she was not happy that she had just she lost another customer. 

O, well.  Then she should not complete with Dr. Jesus, the Great Physician, right?  Here is Cornelius’ testimony: Continue reading So You Want Documented Proof?

Anti-Semitic? Seriously?

Apparently there is a problem today with a certain group of people claiming that others not of their tribe are being anti-Semitic towards them. 

This gets thrown around an awful lot these days and very unjustified so.  Oy vey! 

The problem with this is that in order to be anti-Semitic, the recipient must be a Semite first.

Continue reading Anti-Semitic? Seriously?

Genezings Verklaringen


Ik ben al genezen!

These are Healing Declarations in Dutch.

Click here for Healing Declarations in English.

Instructies: Verklaar deze Schriften en affirmaties keer op keer totdat je ze uit het geheugen kunt zeggen. Deze Schriftteksten zijn een recept van de Grote Arts om dagelijks te nemen voor goddelijke genezing als nodig en zo vaak als nodig is en zelfs totdat ze niet langer nodig zijn, maar om nog steeds te blijven lopen in voortdurende goddelijke gezondheid. Spreek ze hardop, stevig en sterk uit! Continue reading Genezings Verklaringen

Healing Declarations in Russian

These are Healing Declarations in Russian.

See links below for Healing Declarations in other languages.

Инструкции: Провозглашайте эти отрывки из Священного Писания и эти утверждения снова и снова, пока вы не сможете повторять их по памяти. Эти отрывки из Священного Писания – ваш рецепт от Великого Врача, чтобы ежедневно принимать его для вашего Божественного исцеления по мере необходимости и так часто, как необходимо, и даже после того, как необходимость в них отпадет для того, чтобы ходить в постоянном Божественном здоровье. Произносите их вслух, твердо и решительно.

Continue reading Healing Declarations in Russian